Starting with an initial concept description, we can take your idea to a fully designed product ready for high volume production. We prove out our designs with our in-house thermoformer to insure your cycle times and production volumes can be met.
Product concept
The best results come from a thorough understanding of your product requirement needs. Our experienced team will work closely with you and turn your input and ideas into conceptual drawings and three dimensional photo-realistic renderings.
Prototype parts
Taking the approved product design, we can create prototype tooling to provide vacuum formed parts from CNC-machinable tooling board, or plug assisted pressure formed parts from aluminum cavities. Parts are trimmed using steel rule and match metal dies. This enables you to see the finished parts and, if needed, make changes before we start manufacturing the final tool.
Engineered product definition
As a last step in the product development process, we will thoroughly describe the approved concept to insure form, fit and function between mating parts, packaging volume and store shelf requirements, as well as stack height and bagged sleeve dimensions to accommodate box specifications.